Week Ahead – October 24 – 28

IMPORTANT MESSAGE: Wednesday is a half day for students. Dismissal is 11:22am.

What I Noticed

  • Melisaa McIntosh, Kathryn McCalla, Kelsey Miller, and Matt Ceo attended the NWEA Michigan Leadership Summit. They learned how to look deeper into test scores in order to tailor teaching to specific student needs. Illuminating!
  • Katy Steklac’s 7th grade band Zoomed with former Band Director, Bruce Galbraith, to learn more about the history of music in the Chelsea School District.
  • Mr. Coon’s science class is class observing cellular respiration and answering the question: do different foods provide different amounts of energy?
  • Mrs. Lombardo’s Career Development Class is exploring the “25 Most In-Demand Jobs” right now.
  • Real World Math with Mrs. McIntosh are analyzing the performance of their stocks!

Next Week

Monday: Yearbook Club, Volleyball vs. Pinckney, Football/Cheer @ Bedford
Tuesdays: Orchestra Concert
Wednesday: 1/2 Day for Students, Volleyball vs. Jackson, Volleyball @ Bedford, Band Concert
Thursday: Nothing 🙂
Friday: End of Quarter 1 (more below), NAEP Discussion at lunch (more info below)

End of Quarter 1

The first quarter of the school year will be over on Friday! Wow! 7th and 8th grade student will be changing their rotational elective (Art, Health, Tech, Spanish). Please remind your student to check their schedule!

NAEP Testing

If your student was selected to take the NAEP test, you have already heard from me individually. We will be speaking with our selected students during lunch to prepare them. Thank you to the families that agreed to participate!